Strategic Farm Canterbury – how profitable are my livestock?

Past Event - booking closed

7 February 2019

11:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Higham Farm, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent


Join the next AHDB Beef & Lamb Strategic Farm meeting, hosted by E.H. Holdstock and son. The focus for this small workshop will be assessing the profitability of your livestock enterprise and understanding the skills needed to evaluate your business. This will be a small, round the table discussion where participants are encouraged to bring their own data.

As part of the strategic farm project, Verity has been working to assess business performance and cost of production. This event will give you an insight into the tools the business is using but also provide you with practical advice on how to start understanding the costs of your own business.

Topics will include:

  • How the strategic farm has understood business finances
  • Where to start when understanding your cost of production
  • Measuring business performance
    • What KPI’s should I be using for beef herds and sheep flocks?
    • Number of calves / lambs reared
    • Weaning weights
    • Mortality rates
    • Feed usage
  • Tools on offer to help – including Farmbench and the Brexit Impact Calculator
  • Understanding the numbers across all of the strategic farms

It will also be a great opportunity to hear and discuss the changes that have been made to this business over the last year and capture anything that you may be able to apply to your own business.

Places are limited, to attend the meeting you will need to book. Please email or call 01904 771218, so we can plan catering accordingly.

