Spring Grain Market Outlook: Understanding price direction and filling the funding gap

Past Event

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

10:30am - 12:00pm

Webinar recording

The past two seasons have brought a series of challenges for arable farmers, particularly from the impact of war in Ukraine. High input costs, specifically fertiliser, coupled with price volatility has created difficult circumstances for arable businesses to operate within. Looking ahead, what can we expect from next season for price direction and input costs?

One of the biggest challenges facing the cereal and oilseed sector is the phasing out of the basic payment scheme (BPS). With cereal and oilseed prices drifting lower in recent months and input costs remaining elevated, coupled with these reduced direct payments, how might farmers look to ‘fill’ the funding gap?

Following on from November’s Grain Market Outlook Conference, this farmer-focussed spring webinar concentrates on price direction for the new season, as well as looking to fill this funding gap created by reduced BPS to arable farmers. Our AHDB experts explore the SFI scheme and Countryside Stewardship to address this challenge, and we also take a look into carbon markets.


Part 1: Market Outlook

Looking to the new season (2023/2024), what can we expect from price direction for cereal and oilseed markets. The Market Specialist team look at the key factors driving markets, with a focus on domestic price and input costs.

Speakers: Millie Askew, Megan Hesketh, Anthony Speight, Olivia Bonser.

Part 2: Filling the funding gap: The Sustainable Farming Incentive and Countryside Stewardship.

How can farmers look to plug the gap left by the removal of Direct Payments? We look at the latest information available on ELMs and explore how various options could stack up financially.

Speaker: Amandeep Kaur Purewal.

Part 3: An insight into carbon markets

Speaker: Sarah Baker.


If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.

E events@ahdb.org.uk

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