Scotland: Technology in arable farming

Past Event - booking closed

Wednesday, 05 June 2024

1:30pm - 5:00pm

McGregor Farms, Coldstream Mains Farm , Coldstream, Scottish Borders

TD12 4ES

Join us for a meeting at McGregor Farms, Coldstream Mains, in June.

What this meeting will cover

  • AHDB Senior Analyst, Olivia Bonser, will discuss cereal market strategies
  • AHDB Senior Environment Manager will give an update on the Baselining Project
  • Technology company Crover will demonstrate its grain store robot
  • Droneag will be flying their drones (weather permitting)
  • John Deere will be demonstrating their Harvest Lab and their tech team will be on hand to answer any questions
  • A tour of the crop trials hosted by Frontier

Other technology companies will hopefully also be in attendance.

A short farm walk will also take place to look at the trials happening at McGregor farms.

Registration and refreshments will be available from 1:30pm with presentations starting at 1:45pm.

A BBQ or hog roast will be available from 4:30pm with time for networking.

BASIS and NRoSO points are available for attending.

The event is free to attend, but please register to allow us to cater accordingly.  

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If you have any questions about this event, please contact us using the details below.


T 07771 798552
