EU and UK import tariff rates for selected cereals and oilseeds and derived products

The table below details the respective tariff rates the EU and the UK apply to selected cereals, oilseeds and derived products unless:

We have calculated the percentage increase in price that these tariffs will add to the cost of imported products and compared them to the EU’s common external tariff.

Note: As the UK and EU have agreed a trade deal these tariffs do not apply to trade between the two parties.

Tariff rates the EU and the UK apply to selected cereals, oilseeds and derived products

Category Code Product EU tariff rate UK tariff rate
10 Cereals 10011900 Durum wheat (excluding seed for sowing) €148/tonne* Free
10019120 Seed of wheat €95/tonne* Free
10019900 Wheat and meslin (excluding seed for sowing) €95/tonne 79 GBP/1000kg
10031000 Seed of barley €93/tonne 77 GBP/1000kg
10039000 Barley (excluding seed for sowing) €93/tonne 77 GBP/1000kg
10041000 Seed of oats €89/tonne 74 GBP/1000kg
10049000 Oats (excluding seed for sowing) €89/tonne 74 GBP/1000kg
10059000 Maize (excluding seed for sowing) €94/tonne* Free
11 Products of the Milling Industry 11010015 Flour of common wheat and spelt €172/tonne 143 GBP/1000kg
11041290 Flaked oat grains €182/tonne 152 GBP/1000kg
11071099 Malt (excluding roasted, wheat and flour) €131/tonne 109 GBP/1000kg
11081200 Maize starch €166/tonne 138 GBP/1000kg
11090000 Wheat gluten €512/tonne 428 GBP/1000kg
12 Oilseeds 12019000 Soya beans (excluding seed for sowing) Free Free
12051090 Rape or colza seeds, low erucic acid (excluding seed for sowing) Free Free
12059000 Rape or colza seeds, high erucic acid Free Free
15 Fats and oils 15079090 Soya bean oil (excluding crude or for technical/industrial uses) 9.6% 8%
15111090 Crude palm oil (excluding for technical/industrial uses) 3.8% 2%
15121191 Crude sunflower-seed oil (excluding for technical/industrial uses) 6.4% 6%
15121990 Sunflower-seed or safflowerseed oil (excluding crude or for technical/industrial uses) 9.6% 8%
15141990 Low erucic Acid rape or colza oil (excluding crude or for technical/industrial uses) 9.6% 8%

More about import tariffs into the UK for all products on GOV.UK

More information on EU import tariffs (for all products) on the European Commission website
