Crop Nutrient Management Partnership

We update the Nutrient Management Guide (RB209) in partnership with many organisations. The partnership includes a Steering Group supported by three Technical Working Groups (TWGs). The partnership coordinates the research and knowledge exchange it funds to generate independent, scientifically robust and practical data on crop nutrient management for the UK.

All research used to update RB209 is published by AHDB.


  • AHDB
  • Agricultural Lime Association (ALA)
  • Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC)
  • Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF)
  • Defra
  • BBRO
  • NFU
  • PGRO
  • PNMG
  • Scottish Government
  • Welsh Government
  • Association of Independent Crop Consultants (AICC)
  • AHDB
  • AIC
  • AgriSearch
  • British Grassland Society (BGS)
  • British Society of Plant Breeders (BSPB)
  • Bunn Fertiliser Ltd
  • CF Fertilisers
  • Creedy Associates
  • CSF
  • Defra
  • Frontier Agriculture Ltd
  • George Fisher (Independent Consultant)
  • ICL Fertilisers
  • HCC (Meat Promotion Wales)
  • Mike Slater (Independent Consultant)
  • Potash Development Association (PDA)
  • Scottish Government
  • Teagasc
  • Welsh Government
  • Yara UK Ltd
  • Agricultural Lime Association (ALA)
  • AHDB
  • AIC
  • Agrii
  • BBRO
  • Bunn Fertiliser Ltd
  • Compass Agronomy
  • Cropwell
  • CSF
  • CF Fertilisers UK
  • Defra
  • Frontier Agriculture Ltd
  • H L Hutchinson Ltd
  • ICL Fertilisers
  • iSoils
  • John Clarke Agronomy
  • K+S UK & Eire Ltd
  • Limex
  • OMEX Agriculture Ltd
  • Omya UK Ltd
  • Pepsico International
  • PGRO
  • PDA
  • Scottish Government
  • Teagasc
  • Welsh Government
  • Velcourt Ltd
  • Yara UK Ltd
  • Agricultural Lime Association (ALA)
  • AHDB
  • Agrii
  • Agrovista
  • Bord na Mona
  • Bulrush
  • DARD
  • Engage Agro
  • Fresh Gro
  • Hortifeeds
  • H L Hutchinson Ltd
  • ICL Group
  • J&A Growers
  • Lucozade Ribena Suntory
  • New Forest Fruits
  • Omex Agriculture Ltd
  • Omya UK Ltd
  • PGRO
  • Scottish Government
  • Sinclair Pro
  • STRI
  • Teagasc
  • Welsh Government

Join the partnership (vacancies)

Are you a farmer with a passion for nutrient management and the evidence that underpins it?

If you are, we have opportunities for AHDB farmer levy payers to join:

  • The Steering Group
  • The Arable Technical Working Group
  • The Grass and Forage Technical Working Group

What it involves

  • Good working knowledge of RB209 (a FACTS qualification is desirable)
  • Active participation in the Crop Nutrient Management Partnership
  • Attending meetings twice a year (usually in spring and autumn) either online or in-person at the AHDB main office (near Coventry)
  • Committing about three days each year (to prepare for meetings, attend meetings and deal with any actions arising)

Note: Independent farmer members can claim expenses in line with the AHDB expenses policy.

Download further information about the roles

To express an interest in joining the Crop Nutrient Management Partnership, email:

Deadline is Monday 30 September.

Further information

Nutrient Management Guide (RB209)
