EuroDairy – Animal care

Animal care aims to address issues of societal concern in relation to animal health and welfare at the farm level.

EuroDairy spans 14 countries, from Ireland to Poland and from Sweden to Italy, encompassing 40% of dairy farmers, 45% of cows and 60% of European milk output. EuroDairy is an international network to increase the economic, social and environmental sustainability of dairy farming in Europe.

EuroDairy fosters the development and dissemination of practice-based innovation in dairy farming, targeting key sustainability issues: 

  • Socio-economic resilience
  • Resource efficiency, animal care
  • Integration of milk production with biodiversity objectives 

The EuroDairy Animal care theme specifically focuses on:

  • Practical welfare assessment
  • Alternative housing systems, including integration with grazing
  • Reduction in the use of antimicrobials



Reducing the use of antimicrobials

Lame cows: No antibiotics without diagnosis

Benchmarking and reducing the use of antibiotics on farms

Practical strategies to reduce antimicrobials

The dutch way of reducing antibiotics

Welfare assessment

Dairy cattle welfare assesment

Disbudding in practice

Dry cow management: Case study

Heat stress in dairy cows: Assessment and mitigation

Practical on-farm welfare assessment


Alternative housing - bedded pack barns

Best practice in dairy housing

Further information

EuroDairy Practice Abstracts

This project has received funding from the European Union`s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696364.
