AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds research report templates

There are various reports that form part of AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds contracts. Please ensure that you use the current version of the templates, available below.

Annual Project Reports

Annual Project Reports are required every year on the anniversary of the project start date. They provide interim results that can be disseminated to AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds levy payers and other stakeholders.

Annual report guidelines

Annual report template

Final Project Summary

The Final Project Summary is due on the last day of the project and serves as a record for levy payers of the outcome of projects.

Final project summary guidelines

Final project summary template

Final Project Report

The Final Project Report is due on the last day of the project and should constitute a full record of the research conducted within the project, such that any part of it could be repeated in the future.

Final project report guidelines

Final project report template

Research Reviews

Some projects undertake a literature review, either during the course of the project or instead of the Final Project Report.

Research review guidelines

Research review template

PhD Project Reports

PhD projects are required to submit annual project reports, a final project summary, a final project report and an electronic copy of the final thesis.

PhD report template

PhD report guidelines

Student bursary

Some researchers working on AHDB Cereals & Oilseeds projects run a small bursary project alongside it to add value to the work.

Student busary report template

Data storage and management

Final reports associated with contracts issued after October 2007 should be submitted with a declaration of the location of project records.

Data storage and management
