Contents tagged with weaning

13 February 2020

Top tips for managing ewe lambs at lambing time, including, lactation, nutrition, when to wean and assisting with problems.

1 November 2019

The most significant single influence on the success of any flock is the shepherd. Whether you intend to keep half a dozen sheep or several hundred, the same principles apply. This guide gives an introduction into sheep farming to improve both animal welfare and productivity.

20 November 2019

Training: Stockperson Plus, East

8 November 2019

Training: Stockperson Development Scheme, East

8 November 2019

Training: Stockperson Development Scheme, South

8 November 2019

Training: Stockperson Development Scheme, North

19 June 2024

A manual for consultants, vets and producers. Good nutrition is fundamental to ewe performance through all stages of the production cycle, with nutrient requirements changing through the year. Cost-effective feeding systems that support optimum output are paramount to the profitability of a breeding flock. This guide will help you maximise grazed and conserved forage to ensure both minimal cost and optimal rumen function.

13 August 2018

Improving the number of pigs born alive and piglet survival rate through to weaning has a significant impact on profitability – an increase of 1.7 pigs weaned per litter (the difference between average and top 10% performance) improves net margin by £120 per sow per annum.

8 July 2024

Learn how Farm Excellence is benefiting David Goodier's 230-sow pig farm

29 May 2024

There are two main challenges for the lamb sector; the first is to maintain the production of high-quality meat and the second is to ensure sheep farming is financially viable. This manual outlines the factors to consider to achieve these aims at every stage of production, from weaning to selection

16 February 2021

Replacement heifers contribute to the new genetic make-up, cost structure and productivity of the suckler herd. This manual provides advice on sourcing, selecting and managing replacement heifers so they can become productive members of the breeding herd
