Contents tagged with rotation

13 July 2023

As most outdoor pig herds are kept on rented arable land, collaboration between pig keepers and their landlords is crucial.

20 June 2023

Find out how both pigs and the environment can benefit from sowing grass cover mixes

11 August 2023

Read about a unique trial aiming to find out how both pigs and the environment can benefit from sowing grass cover mixes to improve soil management on outdoor units.

26 October 2020

Hear about the cover ans catch crop trials at the Strategic Farms

9 July 2020

Learn how to put ideas into practice based on AHDB research programmes, as you hear the latest from ongoing projects from the researchers, growers and agronomists involved in them

16 June 2020

Rob Waterston's Newbury Monitor Farm joins AHDB's Farm Excellence programme in the South East.
