Contents tagged with review

12 June 2023

Hear about our review of the variety trialling project, including the latest results and next steps

25 May 2023

Although the RL’s core activities align with industry needs, the review identified areas of potential improvement.

28 February 2023

Opinions were gathered to ensure that the RL remains a world-class variety trialling project.

18 January 2023

A Q&A session explores the variety trialling project and the need to review it.

22 October 2024

Find out how to get involved in the Recommended Lists (RL) review to help improve the variety trialling project.

20 February 2023

AHDB’s online edition of the Recommended Lists for cereals and oilseeds (RL) 2023/24 features new varieties that deliver large yield increases.

12 January 2023

People are being asked to complete a questionnaire as part of efforts to improve the variety trialling project.

4 April 2019

Conclusions of the first ever major cross-sector review of weed management
