Contents tagged with report

30 October 2023

Find out if the Sustainable Farming Incentive is for you.

21 October 2021

Find out about AHDB's response to the final Trade and Agriculture Commission report.

1 February 2021

During a challenging year and against a backdrop of major change for industry, consumer attitudes towards UK farmers has grown in positivity.

16 January 2025

Through the course of the growing season, the weather is hugely influential in getting crops into the best condition for producing optimal yields. AHDB report through the winter and spring on the condition of crops, pest and disease pressures and weather patterns highlight areas of concern and where crop growth is optimum.

23 November 2023

Known as the Interpig report, this document is created annually and examines the relative costs of pig meat production right up to farmgate level in selected countries. All these figures in this edition relate to 2016.

22 May 2018

Good water is key for health and good production. This report by RAFT solutions summarises technical and practical information on principles and practice based on international standards and published science, coupled with practical experience and knowledge from UK pig production
