Contents tagged with meat

29 May 2024

Welfare is important to shoppers and overall, consumers have positive perceptions of British agriculture.

5 January 2024

Are shoppers confused when meat and meat-free products are displayed in the same aisle?

25 April 2023

An impressive nine out of ten consumers who saw the most recent We Eat Balanced TV advert agreed it successfully communicated that meat and dairy form part of a balanced diet.

21 March 2023

The importance of animal-based foods including in a healthy and sustainable diet.

10 March 2023

More news from the Annual Meat Conference 2023.

15 July 2021

Christine Watts, AHDB Chief Communications and Market Development Officer, said: “We welcome publication of the National Food Strategy and a number of the recommendations highlighted, particularly improved food education in schools.

3 June 2021

AHDB’s Tania Gesto-Casás discusses the experience and learnings of meat exporters from different European countries so far since launching into our new trading relationship.

20 October 2020

Find out how to optimise your sales returns

25 November 2019

Over the last 25 years, the number of independent butchers in the UK has reduced by 60%. However, this has now steadied as consumers are increasingly willing to shop based on factors other than convenience and price.

23 November 2018

Half of shoppers are flexible about what meat they buy, giving retailers a chance to influence their choices, according to research commissioned by AHDB.

15 October 2019

What really drives consumers to buy particular products? We explore pre- and in-store influences across different meats, cuts and shopper missions; guiding retailer and producer strategies to improve category performance.

13 August 2018

Killing-out percentage (KO%) determines how much saleable carcase weight is obtained from the live pig. The most valuable part of the pig is the meat ontained in the carcase. Producers are paid on the weight of the carcase and an assessment of its leanness, rather than the weight of the live animal.
