Contents tagged with healthy feet

25 January 2021

Healthy Feet Lite helps you to reduce the number of lame cows on your farm by identifying and applying the right management techniques.

9 November 2020

Vets Owen Atkinson (OA) and Nick Bell (NB) answer all the questions from the Healthy Feet Lite webinar on 9 June 2020.

2 October 2020

Understanding what a healthy foot looks like is the first step to keeping lameness levels low.

8 May 2019

Building an effective footbath is an essential part of dairy farm design. Work through the footbath fitness test to see if you can improve your footbath design and use.

26 February 2020

The Healthy Feet Programme has been developed to help you reduce the number of lame cows on your farm by identifying and applying the right solutions.
