Contents tagged with soil

21 June 2022

Researchers tackle one of the biggest questions in farming – what does a ‘sustainable’ system look like?

17 June 2022

Learn how worms munch their way through disease-infected residues.

3 February 2022

An evening of discussion on your soils - practical measures to get the most from your soils and inputs, as well as tools and regulations to be aware of

21 December 2021

Anne Bhogal, an ADAS soil scientist, explains how a soil health scorecard is being used to assess the impact crop management has on the biological, chemical and physical properties of soil.

16 December 2021

Conducted over three (often challenging) seasons, trials showed a flexible and holistic management approach is best.

25 November 2021

Grasslands, forage and soil research partnership

24 November 2021

Improving soil management

12 November 2021

AHDB Strategic Cereal Farm Scotland uses cover crops to provide living root in soils all year round.

13 October 2023

Understand the importance of pH levels, and other factors, including parent materials and trace minerals, in promoting soil health

13 October 2023

Soil biological health can be improved with organic matter inputs, reduced tillage and increased rotational diversity.

2 June 2023

In a healthy soil, the interactions between chemistry, physics and biology are optimised for the conditions in that place.

13 October 2023

Soil constantly wets and dries in response to numerous factors, such as rainfall, evaporation and plant transpiration.
