Contents tagged with Mastitis

13 August 2020

Antibiotic use on dairy farms

12 June 2020

Join Dr James Breen and Willie Baillie as they review the last nine months of activities undertaken to reduce Mastitis on the farm

8 June 2021

The impact of new mastitis infections in heifers can be measured by looking at the SCC at the first milk recording in lactation.

23 July 2020

Contagious mastitis patterns are characterised by the spread of infection between cows.

15 September 2022

Identifying the pattern of mastitis on your farm allows control measures to be focused on where they will be most effective.

12 March 2024

From analysis of data comes understanding and from understanding comes effective action.

6 August 2020

Find out how monitoring somatic cell counts (SCCs) can help us to identify mastitis.

8 September 2020

Monitoring all routes of mastitis on your farm is a must, with accurate and consistent record keeping being needed to successfully do this.

24 October 2023

Monitoring and recording mastitis in cows

20 July 2020

The key considerations for drying off cows early such as housing space, group management and nutrition
