Contents tagged with lamb

10 March 2023

The latest Australian cattle and sheep industry forecasts have been released by Meat and Livestock Australia.

18 May 2022

Ruminant News January 2022 winter edition - new year, new plans so be inspired by AHDB's latest projects and find out why you need to register now to have your say in the future of your levy

5 January 2022

Management of replacement ewes through their first pregnancy and lactation on their lifetime performance

15 December 2021

Find out the latest beef and lamb KPIs

27 February 2024

Find out the latest KPIs for lamb.

17 December 2021

Last week US authorities removed the small ruminant rule, which was introduced more than 20 years ago banning imports of lamb from the UK and other countries where scrapie had been identified. In this article we look at what this will mean for the sheep sector.

3 December 2021

Lamb exporters in the UK will have access to the American market – worth an estimated £37 million in the first five years of trade – as we head into 2022.

11 January 2022

Both the liveweight and deadweight GB lamb prices eased in the latest reporting weeks.

13 September 2021

An analysis of the learning styles preferences of UK farmers, growers and industry stakeholders

17 August 2021

Review of global levels of adoption of lean management in agricultural and horticultural businesses

4 January 2022

Pathology expertise underpins disease diagnosis, monitoring and surveillance and is vital for the health and welfare of the UK beef and sheep industries
