Contents tagged with EuroDairy

16 February 2024

Crushed grain brings cost savings to milk and meat production

16 February 2024

Turf farming can only be developed if the amount of grass yield is known with sufficient accuracy.

16 February 2024

The dairy cattle of the agricultural consortium Lappala are dried with separated dry fraction

16 February 2024

There are many beliefs about the welfare of production animals, but at what level is the welfare of Finnish dairy cows?

16 February 2024

Our EuroDairy network is growing. Most European dairy farmers struggle with high volatility and low milk prices.

16 February 2024

Learn more about Delsante farming business and their innovative programme to successfully promote their cheese making business through social media here.

16 February 2024

30% of Swedish dairy farms now milk with robots 30% of Swedish dairy farms now milk with robots

16 February 2024

How to handle de-intensification in dairy farming? In the pre-quota era, the global dairy market is all about volatility and lean management.

16 February 2024

Current government measures to steer Spain’s dairy sector towards stability are falling short of the mark, according to farming leaders demanding a minimum farmgate price.

23 May 2024

This EuroDairy video case study from Galicia (Spain) shows how a cooperative offering advice to farmers bought a farm “Granxa O Cancelo”, for use as a learning and demonstration centre for dairy farmers.

16 February 2024

During the IDF World dairy summit in Belfast at 1 November 2017 EuroDairy organised a workshop “Dairy cattle welfare assessment: Keeping it practical”

16 February 2024

VKA-deelnemers Alfred Scholten en Henry Steverink delen hun kennis en innovaties met collega-melkveehouders binnen en buiten de landsgrenzen.
