Mike King
Dairy Sector Council Member (Dairy Farmer)

Email: dairy.sectorcouncil@ahdb.org.uk
Mike, along with his brother, is a director of the 1,325-acre family-run farming business in South Gloucestershire, whose Kingspool herd consist of 700 pedigree Holsteins. They were winners of the RABDF/NMR Gold Cup in 2010 and the Cream Award for zero lameness and welfare in 2021.
The herd is high output/welfare, all year-round calving, seasonal grazing, supplying 10 million litres on a premium retail contract, that requires industry-leading welfare and environmental standards. The closed herd uses sexed genomic sires, with replacements entering the herd at an average 23.5 months, bred from the top 25% of the herd. The remainder of the herd are bred to beef to supply a retail-based beef scheme.
Mike sits on the council of RABDF, represents them on the Dairy UK farmers Forum; he is also a board member of M&S Dairy Farmers.
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