AHDB Planting and Variety Survey

The Planting and Variety Survey provides the UK planted area estimates for the upcoming harvest. Broken down not only into crops but also by UK flour miller group and malting or non-malting approved barley.

Submissions for the 2024 Planting and Variety survey have now closed. Aggregated and anonymised results will be published in July here.

The planting section of the survey aims to provide an estimate of the area of cereals and oilseed rape intended for harvest in 2024 in the UK.

The variety section of the survey aims to assess the varietal composition of the wheat, barley, oats and oilseed rape crops in the UK.

What's in it for me?

Knowing more about our domestic market, such as the regional supply of cereal and oilseed rape crops, can help marketing decisions.

By working together, we can produce accurate and reliable data to quantify domestic production.

Previous Planting and Variety Survey results

Find out more about the different Recommended List varieties
