Swiss Rolled Beef Whirls

Code: Topside B013

Important Note

For this product the topside should be matured for a minimum of 14 days.


Prepared from the gracilis muscle and needs slow cooking. Weight range 100–150 g.

Topside B013
Topside B013
Meat Cut Spec Step 1


Remove the loosely attached muscle (gracilis) by cutting along the natural seam.

Meat Cut Spec Step 2


Trim this muscle of excess fat, gristle and connective tissue to expose the underlying lean surface.

Meat Cut Spec Step 3


Form into a roll with grain of the muscle running lengthways.

Meat Cut Spec Step 4


Hold in shape by placing elasticated roasting bands at regular intervals and then inserting wooden skewers between the bands.

Meat Cut Spec Step 5


Carefully slice between the skewers.

Meat Cut Spec Step 6


Swiss rolled beef whirls ready for sale.
