Optimal equipment for efficient delivery of feed to outdoor sows with minimal soil damage


01 January 2014 - 01 January 2015
Project leader:
Harper Adams University

About this project

This was a student Group Enterprise Project, as part of their final year course assessment. Their challenge was to consider how to take feed from the store to the pigs and deliver it in quantities needed accurately, with minimal soil damage. 

Thus it was a ‘blue sky’ project, in part designed to increase their knowledge of the pig industry as well as asking them to think innovatively and deliver ideas which might be of interest for further investigation.  


  • The group came up with six different ideas/concepts: a self-propelled feeder, lightweight bulk bin, drone feeder, low ground pressure feeder, fence feeder system and a low-cost bulk feeder
  • They considered environmental protection and how this can be improved by developing new feeding systems
  • Other aspects discussed included the form of sow feed, sow health and wellbeing, overall farm profitability

Further information

For the Harper Adams University students’ views and ideas, please read their final report.
