Lettuce: Biology and management of Fusarium Wilt: Questions & Answers

Lettuce: biology and management of Fusarium Wilt: Questions & Answers

A:  We are keen to keep to the dates this year in order for the work to be able to be trialled on commercial sites which already have infection.  If for any reason contractors feel that the dates create issues for them, then they should include the detail of any suggested delay to the start time in their proposal.  AHDB can then give it consideration and see whether the additional time results in problems elsewhere in the proposed work.  If it can be demonstrated that it wouldn’t have negative impacts, but would prove beneficial in the long run, then we can judge sensibly.

A: The work on evaluation of the importance of preceding fallow and non-host crop interventions on the subsequent development of FOL in protected lettuce is an important aspect of this work.  It is accepted that this could be challenging within the given time frame.  Contractors should therefore identify what they consider to be a reasonable timeframe for this component of the work, within the budget suggested.

A: This budget has been approved by the Field Vegetable and the Protected Edible and Mushroom panels who will jointly fund the work.  It is felt to be adequate to secure the additional information required to gather information on one pathogen in one crop over a 12 month timeframe.
