Beyond Borders: collaborative action

We support the Government’s ambition to hit £1 trillion in exports by 2030, working closely with levy payers across the supply chain and with UK Government departments and agencies.

Exports add value right along the supply chain. Overseas opportunities can help:

  • Create price premiums for niche products with strong consumer appeal
  • Generate demand for items where domestically it is low
  • Balance demand for commodity items
  • Offer competition in the domestic market to underpin the price
  • Avoid overreliance on any given market and deal with seasonal peaks in production

Increasing the export volume and value of British agri-food products (principally meat and dairy) benefits all levy payers and aligns with the Government’s policy ambition to hit £1 trillion of UK total exports a year by 2030.

'Critically important'

The recent Farm to Fork Summit reiterated the commitment of the Government to boost its programme of global trade shows and missions, as well as boost its GREAT food and drink campaign.

We welcome this commitment and look forward to working with the Government on it.

Nicholas Saphir, AHDB Chair, said:

"The Farm to Fork summit focused on the importance of UK-produced food and drink in terms of both food security and exports.

"The recognition of the existing £3.6bn of red meat and dairy exports and the potential for significant increases is critically important in improving farmgate and supply chain returns. 

"The various government announcements - including additional agricultural councillors in our overseas key embassies, £2m further investment in food promotions, £1m to improve dairy exports, and the establishment of the Food and Drink Export Council, on which AHDB is represented - add to the £8m of levy payers' money that AHDB already invests in market access and export development and marks a vital move forward."

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