Karl Pendlebury

Engagement Manager – Beef & Lamb

Image of staff member Karl Pendlebury

Email: Karl.Pendlebury@ahdb.org.uk

Mobile: 07392 319 847

Karl has more than 40 years’ experience in the beef and lamb sector and joins the KE team with a wealth of knowledge. After leaving Myrescough Agricultural College Karl worked with a large suckler with all progeny to finish unit that also finished bulls for a direct contract, overwintering sheep (predominantly store lambs) and 450ha cereals.

From here Karl took a keen interest in the technical aspect of red meat industry particularly beef and lamb and following a brief spell in animal trading became an auditor of food business from farm through to big business level and onto the consumer level. He then had time in a major retailer as technical supply chain and specifications manager before joining AHDB to oversee the quality schemes. Karl is now looking forward to getting closer to the farms once again.

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