Harvest progress in Great Britain

Updated 29 September 2023
Use our interactive tool below to discover harvest progress across Great Britain. You can also select specific crops, areas and the years you wish to compare at a regional or national level.


Weather conditions have been predominately mild and wet throughout the UK. An average air temperature of 14.2°C was recorded during the week ending 26 September, which is around the long-term average for this time of year. Across the UK, the average rainfall for the week ending 26 September was 21.0 mm, which is above the long-term average. However, a couple of regions did see below-average rainfall.

Harvesting of winter wheat, winter barley, oats, and OSR are all 100% complete.

Spring barley harvest is currently 99% complete, with only a small proportion of fields remaining in Scotland and the North East of England.

Recent rainfall has allowed for the germination of weeds and volunteers in stale seedbeds, which are being controlled by soil cultivations or applications of glyphosate before drilling. Wet soil conditions have resulted in more farmers reverting to ploughing rather than doing min-till.

Sowing of winter oilseed rape started in mid-August and has continued into September. However, establishment has been variable following a period of hot and dry weather at the beginning of September, as well as crops in several regions already being damaged by CSFB and slugs.

Drilling of winter cereals started from mid-September. However, planting progress has been slow in most regions due to wet conditions.

For more information, read the full report here.

How to use the dashboard

  • Use the drop down menus at the top of the dashboard to select a harvest week and crop. This will allow you to view the national harvested area for that crop (top chart) as well as a regional breakdown (right-hand chart). National quality and yield information (left-hand table) is also available for all crops alongside harvest progress comments (map). The line chart tracks national harvest progress, for the selected crop, compared to previous years.
  • Use the drop down menus at the top of the second chart to view the harvest progress, of a particular crop, throughout the season.

Historical harvest progress

Download data

Historical harvest progress 2020 onwards


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