UK dairy trade

Updated August 2023

This page gives quarterly overview of UK dairy trade. For a detailed look at the latest monthly data please visit our dairy trade dashboard

Latest dairy trade news




  • Total dairy export volume for Q2 2023 was up 7.1% on Q2 2022 at 335.7k tonnes.
  • Total dairy import volume for Q2 2023 was down 14.2% on Q2 2023, 293.9k tonnes.
  • Performance was mixed among the key categories. Powder exports were significantly up year-on-year reaching 48,648t (42%) with butter up to 16,361t (27%) and milk and cream reaching 203,905t, up 3% year-on-year. was steady. Whey and whey products and yoghurt noticed a decline of 6% and 1% respectively.
  • Imports of dairy products dropped by overall 48,760t. However, this was primarily driven by a 36% fall in yoghurt and buttermilk. Cheese and powdered and condensed milk were an exception registering a modest increase.
  • Dairy wholesale prices have been declining in the domestic market during the last few months. This made the export basket even more important.

Additional information

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Visit the UK dairy trade balance page

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