EU deadweight pig prices

Updated weekly

The EU reference prices are the average deadweight prices achieved by producers for grade E and S carcases on a cold weight basis each week. 

Prices are reported on a euro per 100 kg basis and converted to sterling pence per kilogram. Specific prices are also available for sows in key EU producer nations. It is important to note that price calculation methodology varies across nations – please refer to the additional information below.

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Latest EU deadweight pig prices

EU deadweight pig prices (historical)







Additional information

Please note that EU prices shown exclude the UK.

The lean meat percentages of pigs are recorded at slaughter by abattoirs on an EU scale, with pigs being classified as a being either S, E, U, R, O and P grade. EU grade S pigs are those with a lean meat percentage of recorded cold carcase weight of 60% or more, with grade E pigs having a percentage of 55% or more but less than 60%.

Please treat comparisons across countries with caution as the reference prices are ‘gross prices’, before deductions or retrospective bonuses. In some countries, such as the UK, there are below-the-line deductions from the gross price which are carried by the producer, such as procurement, transport, meat inspection, classification, levy, lorry washing and insurances.

In other countries, some or all of these costs are paid for by processors, which increases processor costs and results in a lower price paid direct to producers.

It should also be noted that the prices are expressed on a cold weight basis, but producers in various EU countries may be paid on a cold weight, hot weight or liveweight basis. Hot and liveweight prices will be converted into a cold weight equivalent and these conversion factors can vary across countries.

Contact us

This dataset was produced by our Data and Analysis Team. To find out more about the team, please visit the Data and Analysis team page.

If you need any further help, please email Martin, Esther, Dorian or Gavin at 

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